The old model of dragging your feet to go do a task is broken. Have a look at why the way we think about work is broken and how we need to change it in this Tedx Talk. ...
Angela is a trained personal and professional life coach who uses her passion to help people lead more meaningful and purposeful lives. Her inspiration comes from seeing people thrive in their own lives. By using an informal yet direct style of coaching, Angela has helped individuals overcome obstacles, guided them to take action and catapulted people to reach new heights in the enrichment of their own lives.
Her own personal life experiences have given her the strength and perseverance to lead her into new adventures both personally and professionally. Sign up for our newsletter to get daily inspirationals in your mailbox.
The old model of dragging your feet to go do a task is broken. Have a look at why the way we think about work is broken and how we need to change it in this Tedx Talk. ...
Imagine no cell phone, or internet for one full year. Could you manage? One man did it, and his experience is chronicled in this groundbreaking experiment. He learned a lot about himself in the process that he shares in this video. ...
Ever wonder how to live a good life with less stuff. Learn how materialism, and clutter can get the best of you, and how to be happy with less things. ...
Think it’s too late to chase your dream? Have a look at this video and learn why, no matter where you are, you can succeed, if you are willing to believe. ...
Public speaking in general, can be a rough experience. Having the confidence to speak, and gaining confidence overall takes skills that you can master as this video explains. Have a look below: ...
Ever wonder what happens in your brain when you are happy? Ever wonder whats going on when you aren’t happy? This neuroscience is explained by Dr. Dan Gilbert. ...
Mindfullness is the state of awareness. Is mindfulness the key to a sound mind and body? Have a look a this, and comment below. ...
You might not know this, but your body language does have an impact on the way you feel. If you sit slouched with shoulders slumped, you are more than likely in a defeated state. Learn how you can instantly change your mood, by just changing your body expressions. ...
Watch this video and learn of the key to transforming yourself. Change is hard, but often times, it is for the better. How to take yourself to the next level, starts with change, and this video is all about embracing change, instead of running from it. ...
Ever wonder how to just push yourself beyond your fears? Watch this video and learn from this expert. ...