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Angela Wilcox

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Brain training games claim to improve your memory, attention, and reasoning skills. Some even say they help prevent the onset of dementia. Problem is, they don’t really work. Have a look at the video below: ...

by Angela Wilcox on January 14, 2016

Failure is hard to stomach, especially when when you put your heart and sole into something and it just doesn’t pan out. Lets face it, some things are just not meant to be, like that relationship, job, or business venture. Learning to cope with it all is a challenge and in this piece, I will give you tips, and steps you can take to help you brush off your setbacks. 1. Stop Dwelling To dwell means to continue to relive the failure over and over again in your head. When we dwell, we have a tendency...

by Angela Wilcox on January 12, 2016

Sadhguru answers a question on why the mind seems to have a mind of its own! He looks at how terms such as “no-mind” and “stop the mind” have been used over the years, and asks why one would want to stop the mind – the product of millions of years of evolution. The problem, he reminds us, is not the mind, but that the mind is “telling its own story.” He describes how the powerful kriya, Shambhavi Mahamudra, is one big step towards changing this. Yogi, mystic...

by Angela Wilcox on January 9, 2016

It’s that time of year again when millions of Americans, and people all over the world make their dreaded New Years resolution. Why dreaded? Studies show that the failure rate is high just after the first few months, as people return back old habits that set them back in terms of progress, before they quit all together. If your goal is to change your life, lose weight, break addiction, or stop a bad habit like smoking, or even drinking, these simple 5 steps below will help you stick to your...

by Angela Wilcox on January 7, 2016

What if someone told you to floss only one tooth everyday? Or start the new year, not with grand resolutions, but with a simple challenge.. like ONE pushup a day? BJ Fogg shows us that the key to lasting change does not lie in planning big, monumental changes, but in thinking really, really small. Chosen by Fortune Magazine as one of “10 New Gurus You Should Know”, Fogg directs the Persuasive Tech Lab at Stanford University. ...

by Angela Wilcox on January 5, 2016

Tony Robbins speaks about “The Seven-Day Mental Diet” by Emmet Fox is a powerful reminder that the stories in our minds create the stories in our lives. He recommends going on a 7 day mental diet from dwelling on negative thoughts. This is a great way to turn your negative thoughts into positive stories in your life. ...

by Angela Wilcox on December 24, 2015

Did you recently change a habit, and are now stuck with what to do next to condition the change? Move from change to progress by watching this instructional video by Tony Robbins. ...

by Angela Wilcox on December 22, 2015

Eckhart explores the powerful addiction to thinking, offering a handful of ways to put a stop to thoughts and choose presence instead. ...

by Angela Wilcox on December 18, 2015

Are you interested in meditation, but unsure of how to start a practice on your own? ABC anchor Dan Harris teams up with meditation expert Sharon Salzberg to walk you through the basics. ...

by Angela Wilcox on December 15, 2015

When you change your thoughts, you change your life. Dwelling on negative thoughts is bad for you and your mental health. Here is an audio clip of Eckhart Tolle who reminds us to stay in the present, and focus on the now, not the how. ...

by Angela Wilcox on December 10, 2015